Author Magazine Staff
William kenower
Welcome to Author. This online magazine is dedicated to writing and publishing and the creative process in general. Every month you will find audio and video interviews with best-selling and exciting first-time authors.
We also feature articles by new and established writers. Focusing less on craft and more on heart, these essays deal with the daily struggles and inspirations of writing.
Our editor’s blog and authors' blog offers a daily insight and inspiration.
We are also teamed with The Pacific Northwest Writer’s Association. Members of the PNWA may visit our Writer’s Corner (due to launch this summer), which features useful how-to articles as well as up-to-date publishing news. If you are not a member, please visit the PNWA’s website. For only $65 you will have access to the above site once it’s operative as well as a reduced fee for Pacific Northwest Writer’s Conference, one of the oldest and largest writer’s conferences in the nation.
If you would like to contact us, please feel free to write at bill (at) authormagazine (dot) org, or by snail mail at:
Author 11033 35th Ave NE, Seattle, WA 98125
Pam Binder
President, Pacific Northwest Writers Association
Submission Guidelines
We are looking for two types of articles.
First are how-to articles. These can range from how to write more believable villains or how to research prehistoric man to how to give a good pitch at a writer’s conference. These articles should be between 600 and 1,000 words.
The second type of article is about the emotional, inspirational side of writing. This could be anything from what first motivated you to write to how you’ve dealt with rejection or success. We are always looking for interesting success stories as well. These articles should be about 750 to 1,000 words.
If you have an idea for an article, please email a query to bill (at) authormagazine (dot) org. Please include a brief description of the article and your writing credentials. We will get back to you as soon as possible whether we feel we can use it or not.
Be aware that for the how-to articles we are almost always going to choose writers with publishing experience or experience in a particular field; that is, if you are writing about, say, police work and you are an ex-policeman.