Pam Binder


Pam Binder carves bestselling niche in time

First came Pam Binder’s imaginary friend – a dragon – when she was three. Five years later the precocious child tumbled down a flight of stairs and had a near-death, out-of-body experience. And always, in the background, influencing the girl who would one day become a nationally bestselling author was her eccentric, artistic grandmother. During Binder’s formative years, New Orleans’ Irene Zollinger took delight in exposing her granddaughter to the joy of the arts and the mystique of the historic French Quarter.

Looking back, Pam Binder knows that, by the time she was nine years old and attending New Orleans’ 200-year-old Ursuline Academy, the die was cast. As a result of these unique, early life influences on her impressionable mind, she was destined to cultivate her God-given talent as a writer, in a most unusual style. One day she would gift readers across the country with unique stories richly textured with time-bending flights of fantasy, other-worldliness and a reverence for history.

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