The best remedy for anxiety or despair is to turn to my curiosity.
Read MoreWriting is only a form of expression.
Read MoreJust as I choose every word that goes on my page, and in so doing find my way to the story I want to tell, so too I have to choose peace again and again and again.
Read MorePublishing, however you do it, is how you really finish something.
Read MoreOn the other side of forgiveness is always appreciation of the very thing I resented and resisted and devalued.
Read MoreArtists, and writers in particular, spend every day asking questions to which they don’t have an answer.
Read MoreAll our accomplishments are really bi-products of the first success, the one that comes before all the acceptance letters and reviews and bookstore appearances.
Read MoreWhat is the “miracle of creation” other than inviting through us something that hadn’t been before?
Read MoreIt doesn’t matter how big the world is and how long it’s been spinning, you are unique upon it, and your story is the first of its kind.
Read MoreThe good I’ve known, like my breath, is meant to go out.
Read MoreThe greatest pleasure I’ve known in my life is the fulfillment of my unique creative desire.
Read MoreThe only loneliness I’ve known is when I’ve tried to create without the flow.
Read MoreThe more I think about my stories, the more I try to understand them, the less sense they make.
Read MorePleasing me, it turns out, is no one’s job but mine.
Read MoreThere’s something within you that can’t quit.
Read MoreThe sitting and the staring and the typing all feel the same.
Read MoreI’d received plenty of bad news in my life. Sometimes the news came from my agent, sometimes from a doctor, sometimes from a girlfriend.
Read MoreI think everyone wants to be entertained, and everyone also wants to know why life is worth living.
Read MoreThere was something holy to me about the raised proscenium and the rows of chairs and the lights above.
Read MoreWriting is a way of stepping back from our thoughts and beliefs and experiences so that we can see them accurately.
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