How scary stillness seems if you believe you have lost the means of propulsion.
Read MoreAll discouragement and despair are an expression of erroneous fortunetelling.
Read MoreThe choice to start again will always be available, just the as fearful questions will be waiting to challenge you again.
Read MoreThat’s the beauty of stories. Once we’re finished telling them, they belong to the reader.
Read MoreNo one can really tell you you’re good enough in a way that will really matter.
Read MoreWhere you are will always be somewhere when you ask yourself why you’re there.
Read MorePeople, after all, are creative by nature.
Read MoreWe don’t describe the entire room, just the crooked lampshade, the stain on the ceiling, the threadbare rug.
Read MoreI can’t clap my hands like a potentate and see joy delivered on a platter. I can, however, expect it.
Read MoreI’ve lived years, decades even, within a spell I’ve cast on myself.
Read MoreWhen you write, it’s your job to describe a sunrise or passing traffic as if observed for the first time.
Read MoreA friendship, a story, or a conversation with a stranger were just vessels.
Read MoreWe’re no saint, and how embarrassing, how shameful, when the world learns we’ve been posing as one.
Read MoreThe stories I read need me to bring them to life; until I do, they are just lines on a page.
Read MoreTo stay interested we have to acknowledge that we are changed by what we make and that those changes cannot be undone
Read MoreTo tell this new story, I must see it – not invent it, and not even believe it.
Read MoreLife is a current, not a fractured collection of events, and certainly not a static object to be studied and dismantled.
Read MoreEverything was about life, really. Even eulogies were about life.
Read MoreReaders and writers often segregate themselves through the natural selection of preference.
Read MoreI’ve come to see my page not so much as blank but mirror-like.
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