Continuous Remembering
I went to a lecture the other evening by Michael Neill and George Pransky. Michael Neill is, among other things, a life coach, and he confessed at one point that the core message to his clients is, “You don’t need me.” And I thought, “Hey. That’s my message too.” As a life coach, Neill’s guiding principal is that everyone already has everything he or she needs. People need a lot of convincing of this, however, and so despite his message he experiences no shortage of clients and conference attendees. Human beings are reliably transfixed by their own stories of inadequacy.
Likewise, my message, if you will, to writers is that you don’t need this blog, or this magazine, or any class or conference or seminar. If you love to write, then everything you need to tell the story you most want to tell exists within you at this very moment. It is not in my column, or Writer’s Digest, or the PNWA Summer Conference. Then why, you might ask, do you write this column, and why did you start this magazine?
For the very same reason I attended the lecture last night. I already knew everything Neill and Pransky taught about success and consciousness and thought. Or I should say, I knew that knowledge existed within me, and I knew that I have learned over the years to access it with greater and great ease. And yet there are still days I cannot find it, and there still days I forget who I am. So it is nice to go to these lectures from time to time and be reminded.
It’s also nice to write these columns because they are a form of remembering as well. I cannot write them they way I wish to without remembering who I am. How often must I be reminded? Only every moment of every day. The more I remember, the more my entire life becomes an act of continuous remembering, because what I actually am is not the one remembering, but the one being remembered.
Remember to catch Bill every Tuesday at 2:00 PM PST/5:00 EST on his live Blogtalk Radio program Author2Author!
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