Four Ways to Make Your Pitches and Posts More Profitable
by Tara Edelen
“Sales and marketing done right isn’t just a cookie-cutter process; it’s an art.”
Freelancing is often described as a constant hustle. It can be, but it doesn’t have to be a struggle. By finding ways to make your work go further, you’ll save time and make more money. You may even recharge your freelancing career.
Here are four ways to turn your pitches and posts into money-makers.
1. Pull New Ideas from Each Original Pitch
From every post idea, create at least five others. This is idea generation at its easiest. Instead of scrambling to find completely new topics to write about, simply take your pitch and make a list.
For example, a post about inexpensive places to eat while vacationing in Barbados could inspire these topics:
Great places to eat with your kids in Barbados (a parenting blog)
How to throw an island wedding bachelorette party on the cheap (a bridal blog)
How to find appropriate meals and snacks on vacation if you have diabetes (a health magazine’s front-of-book section)
Caribbean getaway deals for long weekends (an in-flight magazine)
How to find authentic, but inexpensive, souvenirs made by local artisans (a travel guide for college students)
Another benefit of this tip is that your research is done. You’ll want to find another expert to talk to, but finding one should be much easier now that you’ve done preliminary research.
Hint: Don’t inadvertently plagiarize your own work. Make sure all your content is original for each post you write. If you want to reuse any part of your published works, including quotes and interviews, email the editor and ask if that is acceptable.
For more on these issues, check out this article from Jane Friedman, author of The Business of Being a Writer.
2. Pitch Your Idea to Another Publication – Now
Your amazing pitch was rejected. Now what?
Within 3 hours, pitch the same article to another publication. Just reread your pitch to check for errors and edit its content, then send it off.
This is easier and quicker if you have a ready-made list of at least five publications or companies that could publish your work.
The beauty of this tip is two-fold: not only do you get another chance to make some cash, but you’ll also keep yourself from feeling like a loser for getting rejected.
If your submission gets rejected again, keep going down your list. Trust me. Someone out there needs your work.
3. Upsell to Current Clients
Blog post and article writing aren’t the only gigs for freelance writers. Challenge yourself and consider some new projects.
What types of projects? White papers, case studies, and e-books are just some of the freelance writing projects that companies frequently outsource. Even better, these gigs tend to be quite lucrative, especially if the client is a huge Fortune 500 company.
Landing these gigs with a current client is simple. Once your work is accepted by a client, ask if she has a need for other written content. If she likes your work, you may become a company division’s go-to writer. Sweet.
Check out the book Corporate Freelance Writing Made Easy by Jeanette Juryea to discover a whole new world of freelance writing.
4. Publish an E-book
Remember that long-form how-to article you wrote that’s still unpublished? Don’t give up just yet! Consider repurposing that article, turning it into an e-book or report for your freelancing business.
Lots of freelancers are offering free or low-cost e-books and reports as a way to get prospective clients on their email lists. Besides, who doesn’t love free info? Another plus: E-books and reports, also known as “bait pieces,” help freelancers establish credibility as experts in their niches.
Just Remember...
Freelance writing isn’t as cut-and-dried as it seems. Mix things up a bit! As an independent worker, you have the freedom to explore where your writing can take you, thereby increasing your income and maximizing your skills, talents, and time.